
The Age of Enlightenment illuminated a world full of hidden wonders. Restless and yearning to discover, explorers of all the humanities had an unquenchable thirst for the elixir of wisdom.

While Europe developed with museums, zoos and spice markets, in the heart of South America , adventurers and scientists were uncovering the diverse nature of Guarani botany with its medicinal and healing qualities.

Our ancestors listened to the leaves crunching beneath their feet; they kneeled on the life-giving soils; and contemplated the star-lit skies. They found in the constellations the cartography of their health and wellbeing. They respected the natural cycles, listened to the songs of the hummingbird, of the rustling snake and the evening call of the cicada. Ñamandú created all and the Guarani people learned to use what was given to them, passing these lessons through the generations.

At the peak of this Enlightenment, Gin was beginning to be produced in the British Isles in factories with now historied names…..many of which are still on store shelves around the world. It was during this time that Eliza Lynch was born. One of the most controversial and influential women of Paraguayan society, she was avant-garde and rejected at first, but persevered to later become a national hero.

Lynch is an Organic Gin that embodies this same spirit. Robust in flavor, yet incredibly smooth, Lynch Organic Gin is distilled using natural botanicals from our Paraguayan motherland. While first created and then delivered to the world by the European explorer, Paraguay’s own Lynch Organic Gin is imbued with the soul of an originative and revolutionary woman who redefined her era.

The magic of the land, the secrets of the alembics, the warmth of a secret romance, the whisper of the detractors, the steamboat and sail, the dances and chandeliers, the shaking of leaves, the fertile ground and open sky……….., all for the first time in the same bottle.

An organic Gin made from sugarcane and masterfully balanced and blended with juniper berries, yerba mate, cedar kapi’i, holly root, chuchuwasy, a blend of 5 varieties of citrus, black and pink peppercorns, cardamom and many other secrets ready to be discovered